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Multnomah County Library podcasts

Jan 31, 2009

Attract the attention of prospective employers and compete in a crowded marketplace by creating a targeted, well-designed and strategic resume. Discover key tips that will make you stand out and shine.

Jan 31, 2009

Business is personal because it depends upon humans; and what odd creatures we can be! Come explore five key human strategies for increasing leadership, communication and decision making skills.

Jan 30, 2009

 Learn about the stresses and rewards of combining work and elder care, develop effective coping strategies, and get helpful resources.

Margaret B. Neal, Ph.D., is the director of the Institute on Aging at Portland State University and a well-known scholar in the areas of aging, work and family. She has written several...

Jan 23, 2009

Heck Where the Bad Kids Go by Dale E. Basye. Everybody screws up a little right? You might not end up in H - E- double hockey stick, but would you still screw up if you knew you'd end up in Heck?